Tracey With An E

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year Everybody!

Looking back a little at 2005...

...I finally embraced the Christmas season this year, instead of trying to bypass the holiday craziness. I put up a tree, decorated it, wore lightbulb earrings, went on the Stanley Park Christmas train, and threw a party.

...I put away the old Tracey, the one who had a few too many (hidden) moments of self-pity and dissatisfaction. I started anew, more at peace in my own skin.

...I bought my first home - no small achievement on my part! I had to overcome my fears of doing it alone.

...I endured all the headaches and paperwork involved with having my identity stolen.

...I pulled a fire alarm! First time ever, very memorable event.

...I reluctantly went on strike, in a futile attempt to improve teachers' working conditions. The outcome for me was financial stress and deeper disillusionment about the political system.

...I had my usual ups and downs associated with being in love.

...I had a great visit with Paula and Lisa in Kamloops. There's something very special about friendships that span over two decades: all the eyebrow raising and two-word comments that are laden with meaning...not having to explain myself...laughing hugely over something small.

...I let go of friendships that were too negative and I poured more fertilizer over the joyous ones.

...I took a lot of comfort from my overly-affectionate cats, Louis and Dinah.

...My niece, Katie, was born!

...Best music of 2005: "Guero" CD by Beck

...Best movie of 2005: Crash

...Concerts I went to: U2 and Bif Naked

...Favourite moments of 2005:

  • driving Scott's car really fast
  • summer volleyball at Spanish Banks
  • watching Holly exclaim excitedly over every little thing


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