Tracey With An E

Monday, October 31, 2005

Transit Etiquette

A co-worker of mine, Diana, and I have decided that we should offer classes on transit etiquette. Our course outline will cover the following areas:

If there is a line-up at the bus stop, it is for a reason. Women with blonde hair, glitzy make-up, big boobs and small hips are not exempt from getting in line.

When entering a full bus, take off your backpack and move to the back of the bus as far as you can. TO THE BACK. Feel free to yell at others to move to the back when they don't.

When an elderly or disabled person boards the bus or skytrain, there are designated seats for them near the door. GET UP and let them have your seat! Better yet, don't even sit there in the first place.

Do not stand directly in front of the exit door with your headphones on when people are trying to leave.

When opening or closing a window, politely ask the person near the window if they are okay with it.

Go ahead, use your cell phone. Just remember that it's not the early 1990's, you don't have to shout into it any more to prove to others around you how important you are.


  • As a bus driver speaking it's a losing battle believe me. Another one is leaving by the rear doors. Just wait Vancouver when buses are wheelchair accessable. Nothing against wheelchairs but it means a place for strollers. They are taking over in Surrey. Give your seat up for the stroller in the wheelchair areas.
    A trip can be an experience now. Bus filling up, 2 bikes secured on front, wheelchair boards, or scooter, stroller boards, and of course the non paying people with every excuse imaginable, (everybody rides on my bus,I gave up long time ago). Time given for the driver to get to his or her destination has not changed over the years but traffic and onboard conditions have. A small thank you at the end or when you are leaving is sure appreciated. Good luck with those classes Tracey with an E

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:08 PM  

  • Dear U.P.,
    We do have wheelchair and stroller and bicycle-on-the-front buses in Vancouver. There are quite a few of them.

    It's all crazy, man.

    By Blogger Tracey, at 9:17 PM  

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