Which coffee are you?
I have been addicted to coffee since my university all-night paper-writing days. This past August, somehow I managed, with the encouragement of an acupuncturist, to wean myself off coffee. I now drink a variety of teas, decaf coffee, and the occasional emergency real-deal coffee. I am safe for now, but not completely out of the woods, as seen by my still-existent obsession:
Many times over the years I have admired Starbucks' descriptions of their coffees. I think that we (the coffee obsessors) could apply them as characteristics for people, as well. Are you elegant and intriguing? Well then, you are "Guatemala Antigua." How about light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish? Then you would be "Shade-grown Mexico - Decaf."
(Oh boy would I love to find a poster-model who has a "refreshing finish." It could definitely be a Noxema-girl-type...)
Go ahead...pick one below, and tell me what you are.
Full-bodied with satisfying walnut flavors
(Columbia Narino Supremo)
Elegant and intriguing
(Guatemala Antigua)
Light and lively
(House Blend)
A well-rounded, lively favourite
(House Blend decaf)
Smooth and delicate with a clean finish
(Lightnote Blend)
Smooth and round, with a crisp finish
(Lightnote Blend decaf)
Light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish
(Shade Grown Mexico decaf)
Flavorful and light with sparkling acidity
(Breakfast Blend)
Wild and exotic with an aroma of spice
(Arabian Mocha Sanani)
Smooth and elegant, with a floral aroma
(Ethiopia Sidamo)
Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated
(Decaf Komodo Dragon Blend) - oh my!
Earthy and smooth bodied
(Komodo Dragon Blend)
Smooth, buttery, earthy and elegant
Intense, earthy, and aromatic
Bold and earthy
(Sumatra decaf)
Dense and caramelly-sweet
(Espresso Roast)
Smooth, sweet and intense
(Espresso Roast decaf)
Smoky and intense
(French Roast)
Sturdy and roasty-sweet
(Italian Roast)
Full and creamy, with a sweet finish
(Caffe Verona)
Bold...rich and sophisticated
(Gold Coast Blend)
Mellow and well-rounded
(Yukon Blend)
Myself: Being a Gemini, I believe I am half House Blend decaf and half Sumatra!
Many times over the years I have admired Starbucks' descriptions of their coffees. I think that we (the coffee obsessors) could apply them as characteristics for people, as well. Are you elegant and intriguing? Well then, you are "Guatemala Antigua." How about light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish? Then you would be "Shade-grown Mexico - Decaf."
(Oh boy would I love to find a poster-model who has a "refreshing finish." It could definitely be a Noxema-girl-type...)
Go ahead...pick one below, and tell me what you are.
Full-bodied with satisfying walnut flavors
(Columbia Narino Supremo)
Elegant and intriguing
(Guatemala Antigua)
Light and lively
(House Blend)
A well-rounded, lively favourite
(House Blend decaf)
Smooth and delicate with a clean finish
(Lightnote Blend)
Smooth and round, with a crisp finish
(Lightnote Blend decaf)
Light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish
(Shade Grown Mexico decaf)
Flavorful and light with sparkling acidity
(Breakfast Blend)
Wild and exotic with an aroma of spice
(Arabian Mocha Sanani)
Smooth and elegant, with a floral aroma
(Ethiopia Sidamo)
Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated
(Decaf Komodo Dragon Blend) - oh my!
Earthy and smooth bodied
(Komodo Dragon Blend)
Smooth, buttery, earthy and elegant
Intense, earthy, and aromatic
Bold and earthy
(Sumatra decaf)
Dense and caramelly-sweet
(Espresso Roast)
Smooth, sweet and intense
(Espresso Roast decaf)
Smoky and intense
(French Roast)
Sturdy and roasty-sweet
(Italian Roast)
Full and creamy, with a sweet finish
(Caffe Verona)
Bold...rich and sophisticated
(Gold Coast Blend)
Mellow and well-rounded
(Yukon Blend)
Myself: Being a Gemini, I believe I am half House Blend decaf and half Sumatra!
I think I'm half lightnote blend and half espresso roast decaf. What does it mean?
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM
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