Tracey With An E

Saturday, March 04, 2006

17 years ago

May 30, 1989
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Excerpt from Tracey with an E's diary from a list entitled, "Experiences I appreciated" after being in Haiti for a month:

11.) Understanding the need to give
- desperation on people's faces
- old men who have nothing
- children living by their wits
- tough old women, hardened by life, with no teeth

March 3, 2006
Vancouver, BC, Canada

I am human but I have love to offer.
The desperate faces are next door and down the road.
I am still leaving my mark.
Without love, I am nothing.
I feel the same as I did when I was 19.


  • Hi Tracey,

    Your last blog was about "what brings contentment?" and this one is about "Love and the need to give to others". It seems to me they are intimately linked: giving to others (to me) brings me contentment. It is fortunately not permanent; it's an emotion that fluctuates with other needs i.e. mutual respect, consideration, cooperation, support, sex, etc... The list goes on and on. I love the gentle flux in my heart. Taking care of loved ones brings me great joy, but I do not ignore my other needs.

    From the bottom of my heart I wish for a balance between your taking care of yourself and your loved ones.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:39 PM  

  • Dear love the gentle flux in your heart,

    I'm sure you didn't mean to come across as all-knowing and self-actualized. But now that you've pointed out my imbalance, I suppose I'll have something new to work on!

    And I can't really thank you for your well-intentioned thoughts, since I don't know who you are.

    Ah, Me, that's the risk for opening up the gate.

    By Blogger Tracey, at 9:54 PM  

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