Tracey With An E

Monday, October 31, 2005

Transit Etiquette

A co-worker of mine, Diana, and I have decided that we should offer classes on transit etiquette. Our course outline will cover the following areas:

If there is a line-up at the bus stop, it is for a reason. Women with blonde hair, glitzy make-up, big boobs and small hips are not exempt from getting in line.

When entering a full bus, take off your backpack and move to the back of the bus as far as you can. TO THE BACK. Feel free to yell at others to move to the back when they don't.

When an elderly or disabled person boards the bus or skytrain, there are designated seats for them near the door. GET UP and let them have your seat! Better yet, don't even sit there in the first place.

Do not stand directly in front of the exit door with your headphones on when people are trying to leave.

When opening or closing a window, politely ask the person near the window if they are okay with it.

Go ahead, use your cell phone. Just remember that it's not the early 1990's, you don't have to shout into it any more to prove to others around you how important you are.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

October Bus Stop

Tonight I am standing at the bus stop outside Sean's apartment building, under a magnificent tree. There is no wind, and yet, leaves are falling like seconds ticking the hour down. It is almost 10:00 p.m. and the goldeny-yellow leaves stand out against the soft grey and darker charcoal shadows of the street.

I wonder, if I count, how many leaves will fall before my bus comes. A leaf brushes past my hair and lands by my shoe. I hear another leaf make a light tick sound behind me. Maybe 50? 100?

I quietly press my hand against the tree trunk. I remember how I was sitting on the wooden bench outside my school on Friday, exhausted from riding my bicycle around the city and then later picketing on the last afternoon of the strike. Mark was sitting on the bench, not very close to me, talking to another teacher standing in front of him.

I kept feeling a random vibration and was about to investigate around me when I realized it was Mark's deep voice. It was traveling from his chest to his back, into the wood, over to my body, and into my chest. I pressed my back harder against the wood and took unexpected comfort in the connection.

My bus rounds the corner and my hand drops from the tree. The bus swirls the leaves as it comes to a stop in front of me. I forget about the leaves as I settle in for a short ride home.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

How She Truly Feels

She learned,

That when she tells how she truly feels, she will get kicked in the teeth, and her worst faults will be highlighted in neon yellow.

She wonders what would happen if she really laid out everything?
Lose it all?

Maybe she could keep it inside, and then go quietly insane. Burn the toast on purpose, forget to lock the door, put one red sock in with the whites.

Either implode with guilt...or paste on another smile like a band-aid over open heart surgery.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I want to be at a pub

I want to be at a pub, eating nachos. I'm sitting here reading journals from students in my class, and all I can do is fantasize about the satisfying crunch a nacho chip will make on its way into my mouth.

I would like the chips to be salty, cheesy, hot from the oven, with fresh tomatoes and green onions chopped up on top, and gobs of guacamole, sour cream, and salsa on the side. It's all I can think about.

I'd like to have Corona beer with my nachos. I'd like to be wearing elasticized pants and a sweatshirt. My friend across from me will be laughing and encouraging me to eat more and order another beer.

But instead, I force myself to open yet another journal and I read about Robert's favourite trip to Disneyland, and later about how Amy and Claudia are each other's best friends, and Gilbert's obsession with an on-line video game. The dishwasher swishes in the background behind me and there's a stack of exercise books piled in front of me, a quiet paper mountain.

Will someone please get me some more salsa?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Which coffee are you?

I have been addicted to coffee since my university all-night paper-writing days. This past August, somehow I managed, with the encouragement of an acupuncturist, to wean myself off coffee. I now drink a variety of teas, decaf coffee, and the occasional emergency real-deal coffee. I am safe for now, but not completely out of the woods, as seen by my still-existent obsession:

Many times over the years I have admired Starbucks' descriptions of their coffees. I think that we (the coffee obsessors) could apply them as characteristics for people, as well. Are you elegant and intriguing? Well then, you are "Guatemala Antigua." How about light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish? Then you would be "Shade-grown Mexico - Decaf."

(Oh boy would I love to find a poster-model who has a "refreshing finish." It could definitely be a Noxema-girl-type...)

Go ahead...pick one below, and tell me what you are.

Full-bodied with satisfying walnut flavors
(Columbia Narino Supremo)

Elegant and intriguing
(Guatemala Antigua)

Light and lively
(House Blend)

A well-rounded, lively favourite
(House Blend decaf)

Smooth and delicate with a clean finish
(Lightnote Blend)

Smooth and round, with a crisp finish
(Lightnote Blend decaf)

Light-to-medium bodied with a refreshing finish
(Shade Grown Mexico decaf)

Flavorful and light with sparkling acidity
(Breakfast Blend)

Wild and exotic with an aroma of spice
(Arabian Mocha Sanani)

Smooth and elegant, with a floral aroma
(Ethiopia Sidamo)

Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated
(Decaf Komodo Dragon Blend) - oh my!

Earthy and smooth bodied
(Komodo Dragon Blend)

Smooth, buttery, earthy and elegant

Intense, earthy, and aromatic

Bold and earthy
(Sumatra decaf)

Dense and caramelly-sweet
(Espresso Roast)

Smooth, sweet and intense
(Espresso Roast decaf)

Smoky and intense
(French Roast)

Sturdy and roasty-sweet
(Italian Roast)

Full and creamy, with a sweet finish
(Caffe Verona) and sophisticated
(Gold Coast Blend)

Mellow and well-rounded
(Yukon Blend)


Myself: Being a Gemini, I believe I am half House Blend decaf and half Sumatra!