Tracey With An E

Friday, August 04, 2006


This is Kevin. He and I are engaged to be married!

In case you're wondering, who is this guy? How is it that I have fallen in love with the perfect man for me? Read on...

Kevin is warm, compassionate, generous, kind, affectionate, sensitive to people's get the picture. Kids are magnetically attracted to him. He is a hit with my nephews and nieces.

He has a good job as a longshoreman. He's respectful of all people. Family is important to Kevin, as it is to me. We are looking forward to having our own children someday soon!

Things we like doing together: riding our motorcycles (he has a Shadow Aero that I drool over...okay okay I drool over both him and the bike), walks along the seawall, looking at homes on the MLS pages. Yesterday we had a hilarious tennis game. We both hadn't played in a long time and I laughed so hard at one point at his "Kevin Dance" that I could hardly move.

One rainy afternoon we took Freddy and Jakey to "Go Bananas" and had a great time with them. They alternated between climbing around the indoor gym and drinking slushies with us at a nearby table.

We don't have a wedding date set yet - we are enjoying spending time together and we figure it will fall into place naturally. We aren't even sure where we want to live yet, but there's no rush.

Today, Kevin and I had coffee with my mom. I'm sure that being squished between two exuberant Hutchins women can be a little overwhelming, but he's getting used to it!

More pics to come soon...


  • Hello Tracey with an E! Congratulations on your engagement to one of my most favorite people and dearest friends…Kevin! You have certainly stumbled upon one of the good ones, (yes, there are a few left) and even though you and I have yet to meet, I already know you must be something pretty special yourself. Not only did you catch his eye but most importantly…you found your way into his big ol’ heart…I wish you both the best!

    Julie, aka “Jooles”

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 PM  

  • Hi Tracey: We are sitting here in Osoyoos reading your Blog. We are excited to hear this good news. Uncle Jim and Auntie Sharon. Marc and Natalie.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:12 PM  

  • Congratulations Tracey!! We pray for the very best Our Heavenly Father has for you and Kevin. May you be blessed in spirit,soul and body as you follow Him. Love & prayers,Uncle John & Auntie Penny. Freezing hot in Phoenix.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:29 PM  

  • Hi Tracey/Kevin: I thought I would add a few words here about Kevin. What does one say about a dear friend so that it doesn't sound false, but here goes. Kevin is all the things you say on your first page and more. He is loyal, sincere, and true of heart. These things are rare to find and a treasure for you Tracey to be blessed with in him. There was a time when Kevin was going to give up on finding the woman for him. He began to believe that the "one" must just be a fantasy and would never become a reality to him. I encouraged him not to give up!! That he deserved to be with someone who would appreciate and love him for all he is. Then you came along and he was instantly twitterpated. It was wonderful to see and wonderful to find out you felt the same about him. I look forward to seeing you married, to seeing your children and I believe with all my heart that many more blessings are coming your way. Bye for now Katharine!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:25 PM  

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