Tracey With An E

Sunday, June 04, 2006


I told B. the mastication story today and we had a good laugh.

A few years ago, I was at Scott's parents' house for a birthday dinner for Scott's sister. They also invited some family friends who had a baby. We were all in the dining room. Scott's parents had prepared a celebratory meal and the table was set with good china.

The baby was at the stage of just starting to eat baby food. The couple who had the baby had this philosophy of chewing up their food in their mouths and spitting it out into their fingers and feeding it to the baby, neatly masticated.

I was completely grossed out beyond belief! They acted all natural and carried on with casual conversation while I restrained myself from kicking Scott under the table to show him how badly I wanted to giggle. If I remember correctly, they responded to the surprised looks on everyone's faces by informing us of the benefits of mastication and how normal it was. I imagine they probably had a placenta planted under a tree in their back yard somewhere, too.

When B. heard the story today, his immediate response was, "Buy a food prcessor!" Then he said, "Who do they think they are, birds? Hey, what they should do is drop the food right out of their mouths into the baby's open mouth!"

I told the masticating story a couple of week-ends ago at Frances' party and the hilarity was endless. They got onto this whole thing of having a mastication factory with workers who chewed up organic food and put it into jars.

I think masticate is the best word ever.


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