Tracey With An E

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Today I had a compulsion to buy an orange purse.

I think it all started with my very bad morning where I had called an 8:30 meeting for a high-pressure committee that I never should have volunteered for. I forgot to show up. I was happily walking along Main Street at 8:30 on my way to work, cell phone ringing crazily in my backpack, and I was thinking, "I'm so clever, living close to work and getting exercise."

When I arrived, the committee group had been sitting around for 15 minutes, and one person was steaming mad. Fast forward: me choking back a sob as I called over my shoulder at them, "I'm not Wonder Woman! I can't do everything!"

On my lunch hour I scrounged around the trendy shops on Main, looking for an orange purse, because only an orange purse would help me feel better. I couldn't find one, so I bought a sandwich and a huge coffee instead.

After hours of student-parent-teacher report card conferences with my eyes scratching and my smile plasticked on, I caught a ride home with a friend and went straight to my computer. I found some little orange shoes with yellow polkadots, but then I found that Keds doesn't ship to Canada.

I think tomorrow I'll go look at cute little orange VW Beetles.

I love Wonder Woman.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

This Post is for Kevan

How on earth did I let two months pass without even one little bloggy entry? Well, there are a couple of reasons: broken down computer, too busy moving, writing report cards, and wait, that's three reasons so I'll stop there.

I suppose I've lost the handful of interested readers I started with. I'll have to be extra entertaining in the future to pick up some more...and also, I'll need to make more connections to others. So, I'd like to take this moment to say thank-you to Kevan, whose Blog originally gave me the inspiration to start mine.

Here it is:

Weird things happening in my brain today:
I play games with myself to get these report cards written. Right this moment I only have 5 left to complete. I did 6 this morning and 12 yesterday, 7 last Thursday night. I say things to myself like:

"Do one more and then you can go to the bathroom."
"Just two more and then you can reward yourself with a cup of coffee."
"One more and then you can pet the cat."
"No phoning anyone until you get 5 done in total."

Right now I'm breaking one of my little rules because I told myself I couldn't eat the pizza I had in the oven until I did 1 report. Then I remembered my blog, started writing it here, burned my mouth on the pizza, laboured over Saturday's crossword puzzle, and back to the blog.

5 left.
No eating, drinking, resting, peeing, showering, kitty litter changing, phone use, web surfing, email checking, breathing heavily, until they're done.

Wait, I have to put the leftover pizza into the fridge! And hey, how did that bottle of beer get there?