Tracey With An E

Monday, February 27, 2006

Questions I ask myself

What brings you contentment? I really want to know.

Is it friends, family? Romance, marriage, lots of great sex?

More money, or enough money?

What if you said that all you need is good health...would you really be content then?

A lot of people say that they would be content if only they had a better job with more pay.

How about world peace? Would you be content then? Imagine really, world peace. It's breathtaking. That means no wars, anywhere. People would help each other all over the place. But then would they eventually wish they had more food and nicer clothing?

I think monks are content. They rid themselves of worldly possessions and they seek spiritual peace. But I'm not inclined to be a monk!

People who are content:
  • don't complain much
  • don't really care what other people think
  • don't obsess over details
  • take what they've got and use it well
  • pursue their dreams without being overly attached to the outcome
  • are probably in better physical health than people who are discontented
  • are generous
  • aren't afraid to die
I think it's all about self acceptance and inner peace.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Mom & Dad's 40th Wedding Anniversary

Here are two people who are still in love with each other after 40 years.

By the way, my dad may be a good-looking distinguished gentleman, but my mom is a hot babe.