Tracey With An E

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Tracey With An E

It's an important E. When my parents named me (34 and a half years ago) they wanted to name me Tracy, and my mother was concerned it would be too "masculine" - like Dick Tracy. So they added the E and I believe it was a good choice. I don't really believe in numerology, but somehow I think it affected the way I live my life - it's softer around the edges with that E.

Funny, when I tell someone my name while they're writing it down, I say, "Tracey with an E." I just can't stand it when they spell it wrong.

I have a friend named Lois who is the admin assistant at my school where I teach Grade 5. A few years ago when I first met her, I said, "Tracey with an E" when she was recording my name. As a side job, Lois writes pilots for TV shows and screenplays for feature films, and she's always collecting ideas from people around her. A few months ago, she let me read one of her scripts for an incredibly great film entitled, "Pride and Joy". I was sitting in my classroom reading it while my students were silent reading and one of the characters in the script said, "Tracey with an E" when she was describing her daughter or niece (I forget which). My head prickled at this point and I couldn't understand how this coincidence had happened, so I ran downstairs and burst into the school office, waving the script at Lois and yelling, "Is this ME??" Lois is so cute - she smiled and giggled with her dimples doing their dimpling and nodded. She said, "Where do you think I get all my ideas from? It's from the people around me!"

Well, I guess I'm famous now. I'm in Lois' script. I'm a minor character - Tracey meets a guy named Sandy and they eventually get married. When Lois was promoting the script, she said that some guy who wanted lesbians in it suggested that Sandy be a woman. I figured that would be okay, too. But so far Sandy is still a guy.

Now, I said all that to get to this point: I was sitting in a coffee shop with Lois about a week ago, telling her that I wanted to start a Blog and needed an idea for what to call it. Without even half a second's hesitation she quickly said, "Tracey With An E," as if it was so obvious why would I even need to think about it? The dimples came out again as she smiled and that was that. So here I am.

On a quick side note:
Lois Holmlund and her writing partner, Ryf, co-write scripts and their company is called, "Two Feather Monkey Productions"...if you're interested in that sort of thing, you could check them out sometime. I don't think their website is running right this second but you can google it and see what else comes up.


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